Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, is one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, with an estimated net worth of $132.6 billion.

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Journey of Bill Gates From Tech Titan to Global Philanthropist

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After leading Microsoft for over 25 years, Gates stepped down as CEO to focus on philanthropy. His journey in tech laid the foundation for his future charitable work

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The Trust's investment strategy is concentrated, with 83% of its portfolio in four major stocks.

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Microsoft 33% of Portfolio 35 million shares valued at $14.7 billion Microsoft is a leader in cloud services, with Azure's revenue growing by 29% year-over-year

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Berkshire Hathaway 21% of Portfolio 25 million shares valued at $11 billion A stable investment with a diverse portfolio

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Waste Management  16% of Portfolio 35 million shares valued at $7.3 billion Known for consistent dividends.

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Canadian National Railway 13% of Portfolio 55 million shares valued at $6.2 billionRecognized for its efficiency and eco-friendly transportation.

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The Gates Foundation focuses on global health, education, and poverty alleviation, making strategic investments to maximize impact

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Bill Gates's evolution from a tech leader to a dedicated philanthropist, showcasing his investment strategy and commitment to global betterment.